Book a workshop.

We’ve got you covered

Infant Massage

So excited to offer this workshop to new parents and their pre-crawling babies!

In this course you will receive all the tools you need to learn a full body massage for your baby.

Massage has been shown to promote weight gain, decrease stress, and even improve sleep for infants!

Join Dr. Emily Spaeth, a physical therapist and massage therapist certified in neonatal massage to create beautiful moments of connection with your little one.

Prenatal Lactation Class

Join other couples in the community to learn about breastfeeding and bottle-feeding.

From WHY we breastfeed to WHAT makes a good latch, to HOW you might bottle feed if and when the time comes... this class has everything you need to know. Plus handouts for when you inevitably forget what you learned!

Class taught my Dr. Emily Spaeth, physical therapist and lactation consultant with a unique perspective for you as a mother of 3.